'Tis the year to celebrate

Christmas without Violence

#VanoceBezNasili #ChrismasWithoutViolence
Vánoční kapr

What is the meaning of Christmas?

We celebrate Christmas as a time of peace and calm yet paradoxically many of our animal friends are brutally killed in the name of this holiday.

Today, carp is considered to be the traditional Christmas dinner. This tradition does not run so deep as it would at first appear. A clear connection between Christmas and fried carp wasn't established until the 1950s. Czech cuisine, however, contains many older truly traditional Christmas meals such as Mushroom Kuba (a dish similar to risotto) or split pea soup.

Please consider this Christmas paradox. Do you want to celebrate Christmas without violence?
1. Don't buy carp

1. Don't buy carp

The fewer you buy this year, the fewer will suffer in future years. Demand dictates supply.
2. Don't release carp

2. Don't release carp

Don't release carp into a river or pond. After all that they have gone through, they are injured, ailing, and hungry. Too weak to survive in a natural environment. Their death will be slow and painful. And remember the first point about creating demand.
3. Christmas, truly without violence

3. Christmas, truly without violence

Because the production of any and all animal products is accompanied by the suffering of animals,  try celebrating Christmas with a vegan menu. You will find inspiration in our catalogue of recipes.

How carp suffer

Is violence a fundamental part of Christmas? Of course not! Christmas is a celebration of peace and love. Why then do we sit down to Christmas dinner, with smiles on our faces, as millions of living beings suffer fear, pain, sickness, suffocation, hunger and death in order to put food on our plates?
* Footage was taken during the gathering of fish from a pond in the Czech Republic in 2018. Some parts of the footage are older and were taken by members of ForFreeLife.

Do fish feel pain?

Many people think that fish do not feel pain because they don't scream, but this is a big mistake. From an anatomical and physiological standpoint it is clear that fish feel pain in practically the same way as cats, dogs and humans. If you want to understand how fish experience this Christmas tradition, try to imagine neglected and injured dogs which are sold on the streets from overfilled cages.


Serve a Christmas meal without suffering



First we mix the oil, salt, pepper and spices to create a marinade. We then marinaed the mushrooms for several hours. We then lightly press the oil from the mushrooms....


We mix oatomeal with cooked and grated celery root, "fish spice", and soy sauce. If we want to include nori flakes we do so now too. We then add the vegetable broth and leave to sit in the fridge for 3-4 hours (ideally over night)...



Boil the potatoes without pealing them (20 minutes). Peal and boil the carrots, celery and parsley roots  for 15 minutes in salty water with pepper, vinegar and a bit of sugar. Leave some of the left over broth to add to the finished salad....



Soak the dried mushrooms in cold water for several hours until they swell. Then, cook them until soft and drain.
Rinse the pearl barley with boiling water and cook it in lightly salted water flavored with caraway seeds until tender. Once cooked, rinse again and let it drain.


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From instagram

Hashtag for this year's Christmas:

#VanoceBezNasili #ChristmasWithoutViolence

Lets make it clear that we do not agree with these cruel traditions.